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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Mother to Son

Langston Hughes


Well, son, I'll tell you                                 아들아, 네게 해줄 말이 있단다.

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.            인생은 수정 계단같지 않았단다

It;s had tacks in it,                                    여기저기 못이 박혀 있었고

And splinters,                                           가시가 달려 있었으며

And boards torn up,                                   찢겨진 판자들이 널부러진

And places with no carpet on the floor-          바닥엔 카펫도 깔리지 않은

Bare.                                                        바닥이었지.

But all the time                                          그래도 언제나

I's been climbing on.                                  열심히 걸어 올라갔다.

And reaching landings,                               층계참에 도달해서

And turning corners,                                   코너를 돌아,

And sometimes going in the dark.                  가끔은 어둠속을 걷기도 했다

Where there ain't been no light.                    불조차 켜져있지 않은.

So, boy, don't you turn back.                       그러니, 아들아, 절대 돌아서지 말아라.

Don't you sit down on the steps.                   계단 앞에서 주저하지 말거라

'Cause you find it's kinder hard.                    힘들다고 해서.

Don't you fall now?                                     쓰러지지 말거라.

For I've still going, honey.                           아들아 지금까지도 가고 있다.

I've still climbing,                                       계속해서 올라가고 있지,

And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.       인생은 정말로

                                                              수정 계단같지 않았단다.



Langston Hughes 19세기 흑인 시인이다.

시는 어머니가 아들에게 쓰는 내용으로 이루어져 있지만, Langston Hughes 성별은 남자이다...

'수정 계단'이라는 소재를 사용해 '' 비유적으로 표현했는데,

이것을 통해 삶이 수정처럼 아름답지 않았다,

편하고 순탄하지 않았던 인생을 상상할 있게 만든다.


19세기 당시 흑인들의 힘든 생존 환경을 여실히 드러내는 작품이며,

화자(어머니) 내부의 청자(아들)에게 이야기하는 방식으로 시가 전개된다.

이것으로 보아 시가 Dramatic Monologue 해당 되는 것을 있고,

어머니가 아들에게 조언하는 상황이라는 

친숙한 상황을 설정하여 읽는 이가 보다 쉽게 이해할 있게 만들었다.

[출처] [영문학] Mother to Son - Langston Hughes & The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost|작성자 May



The Langston Hughes's poem "Mother to Son" is written in free verse, so it has no formal rhyme scheme. However, there are occasional rhymes such as "stair" and "bare." The rhythm follows an informal pattern, as the poem is supposed to mimic dialogue--the way a mother would speak to her son. For example, the use of the words "ain't" and the phrase "a-climbin'" is colloquial in nature. 

There are instances of alliteration, or the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close together. For example, the lines "Bare./But all the time" repeat the "B" sound, and the line "Don't you set down on the steps" repeats the "s" sound. However, the poem makes more use of anaphora, or the repetition of words at the beginning of sentences, such as "And." The line "Life for me ain't been no crystal stair" is also repeated several times to give this idea emphasis. This poem mimics the way a person would speak, and it also includes an extended metaphor of a crystal stair--the easy path that the mother's life has definitely not followed in her hardscrabble existence. 


Alliteration is when the initial consonant sound is repeated over and over.  For example, think of all of your classic tongue-twisters (Peter Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers); it is the "p" noise that is repeated over and over here.  In "Mother to Son," I don't seen any good examples of alliteration.  To be a good example, it would need to be several words, right after each other, at least in the same line.  That doesn't really happen.

For rhyme, look to the third and seventh lines (stair/bare).  The strongest of the three techniques is the rhythm.  Read it out loud--it has a definite lilt and lyrical quality to it.  The repetition, short phrases, dialect and metaphorical content all make the poem seem like a song or a nursery rhyme that a mother is singing to her son


In discussions of poetry, "meter" means a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. There is no such pattern in this poem, which is an example of unrhymed, unmetered "free verse." 

However, there are some lines of iambic pentameter (약강5보격)in the poem -- lines that use this meter: 

da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM 

For example, read the final line aloud and you'll hear that meter: 

and LIFE / for ME / ain't BEEN / no CRYS / tal STAIR



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